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ten years experience


My name is Leni but you can call me Lanes. I'm a professional photographer from Melbourne. I first picked up a camera in 1986 as a teeny 8 year old. It was a 120mm, Cabbage Patch Kid camera in lemon yellow. It was glued to my hand during our family trip to Europe and it feels like I haven't put a camera down since.


I began working in childcare and kindergarten photography a decade ago and am currently completing my master's degree in photography at RMIT. I'm presently working on a series on being a single parent during 2020's Covid lockdown (one of which, is at the top of this page).


My rapport and connection with children is a particular strength of mine and am a neuro-diversity specialist. I have an acute understanding of additional physical, emotional and sensory needs of both the children and adults I'm working with.


I have always worked from the philosophy that children are entitled to the same respect and consideration as I would give my adult clients. I don't pressure or push a child beyond what they are comfortable with and respect their autonomy.


The most enjoyable aspect to my work is the relationships and friendships I form with hundreds of little people every year, who never cease to entertain me with their warmth, humour and intellect.

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